Monday, December 30, 2013

Zumba, Dance, Mommy Fitness, She Does It All! Amanda Leigh Reynolds

Say Hello to Amanda Leigh Reynolds! 

If you are looking for a way to fitness, I will tell you, She is WONDERFUL. 

Not only is she a great instructor, but she is very motivated, dedicated and optimistic. From personal experience from attending some of her Zumba classes, I had a blast! She really makes it fun and she's personally fun, friendly and outgoing. She is always so happy, and smiley and I absolutley love that about her. 

               Amanda offer's several fitness programs through out each week that vary from dance education to fitness programs.   In the dance education field, Amanda offers dance lessons such as Acrobatics, Hip Hop, Jazz, Stretch & Strength, and Tap for all levels from ages 2-adult at her dance school "Ballet And All That Jazz" in East Greenbush, NY.  At the same location, Amanda offers Mommy & Baby Fitness sessions & Zumba Fitness. How awesome is that? 

I love the concept of Mommy and Baby fitness, So I had asked her to explain more about the program and this is her explanation : "The Mommy & Baby Fitness Workout & Play is an action-packed class and includes a large variety of fun, easy to follow but intense fitness for Mom and Baby. We start with our creative warm up for mom with baby together, a “mommy only” fitness segment (babies are right beside us watching!), mom and baby strengthening and conditioning (we ALWAYS include abdominal and core work) and our cool down stretch and “mommy meditation.  Following the fitness is our huge repertoire of “infant stimulation”; songs, rhymes, fingerplays, kneebouncers, parachute activities, bubbles, and so much more.  

The class concludes with a group discussion, occasional “special guest speakers”, and “show and tell’. A must for every new mom and baby! From May until November, the 90 minute Mommy & Baby Stroller Fitness sessions includes a power warm-up with baby, followed by cross-training exercises for a total body muscular strengthening and conditioning while pushing baby in stroller.  Every session includes an additional (also optional) 30 minutes Infant Stimulation segment consisting of fun parachute play, bubble play, and unforgettable songs and rhymes you’ll adore to play with your Lovey for years to come! 

Say “Goodbye Mommy jeans!” in my 50 minute MOMS ONLY Mommy Boot Camp.  As the class name implies, these sessions are specifically targeted for Moms looking to improve their level of fitness in a “dive right in” environment.  Every session includes cardio blast training, stretching and strengthening, core priming and much more! And finally, Mommy & Baby Fitness™ & Zumba® Fitness combines a 90 minute DANCE & PLAY program!  

You can bring your lovey to watch you SHAKE IT at our Zumba Fitness session then have fun playing interactive games such as signing/rhyming, parachute games and bubble activities during our 30 minute small fry stimulation segment afterwards.  All of my MBF classes are a great way to connect with other moms!  "

I asked Amanda, what is one her most favorite times in her classes. She replied: "There are countless rewards, it's so hard to narrow it down!  To me, the most rewarding is the priceless friendships I have with my clients.  Between the dance families, the Mama's and their babies and Zumba fitness fans included, I really cherish the support everyone has for one another from one session to the next.  I have come upon amazing families through my programs and each family is very admirable and inspiring."

If you'd like to get in touch with Amanda, You can find her on Facebook! Click here for Amanda's Page

Not only is Amanda a great instructor with many certified accomplishments, and more on the way, Amanda is also a wonderful mom of two beautiful girls and part of a wonderful supporting family.     

So if your looking to fit a new you, or looking for someone to help you stay motivated, please consider having Amanda as part of your life in health and fitness and friendship! She is so energetic and her personality is amazing! 

Thank you to all my readers and please help in supporting 518 Local Business's and Musicians! 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Lets Give a Shout Out To Marlon Marvalus Sousis!

When they say Follow your Dreams, Dreams start coming true. I want to take tonight and give a HUGE shout out to someone from Rensselaer, Ny who is following his dreams becoming a great Artist of underground rap and hip-hop, I give a great amount of respect to Marlon Sousis A.K.A Marlon "Marvalus" Sousis

Not only is Marlon at 27 years old, a great Artist, but also a wonderful father, with a beautiful family who support him 100%

Marlon is one of the most friendliest, most respectful people who keeps it true to himself and his family. 

Even if this isn't your "Genre" of music, it takes great courage and determination to keep your dream going. Want to know more about him or his music? Make sure to check out his Youtube videos and subscribe! Here to subscribe to Marlon's Youtube Channel

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A New Beginning Consignment Shop: Check It Out!

This BEAUTIFUL!  I have been in here myself, and it's amazing! There are so many in variety, no  matter what you are looking for, I am sure you can find it here! 

There are beautiful wardrobes, furniture, accessories, home accents and just so much more! 

What is even better than that? The owner Kathleen Gogan-Nally is a very wonderful person and a big pleasure in meeting at her shop. She has a lot of passion for what she does, and she is very proud of her and her consignment shop and I don't blame her! 

There has been so many great reviews according to her Facebook page, If you are looking for an item or looking into consigning something that is yours.. I would say Check out this place!

If you would like to find this place on Facebook please visit :

You can find A New Beginning at: 
170a Columbia Turnpike
Rensselaer, Ny. 12144

Thank you so much for stopping by!